/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Florian Schrofner * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package fi.schro.data import fi.schro.ui.LightPowerStatus import io.ktor.client.* import io.ktor.client.request.* import io.ktor.client.statement.* import io.ktor.http.* import io.ktor.utils.io.core.* import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.get import kotlin.math.roundToInt class ElgatoLightRepository: LightRepository, KoinComponent { private val PATH_SEPARATOR = "/" private val DEFAULT_PATH = "elgato" private val LIGHT_PATH = "lights" private val ACCESSORY_INFO_PATH = "accessory-info" //needs a new http client for every request private val httpClient: HttpClient get() { return get() } val LIGHT_ENDPOINT = listOf(DEFAULT_PATH, LIGHT_PATH) val ACCESSORY_INFO_ENDPOINT = listOf(DEFAULT_PATH, ACCESSORY_INFO_PATH) override suspend fun setLightStatus(lightAddress: String, port: Int?, status: LightStatus) { val elgatoStatus = ElgatoLightStatus.fromLightStatus(status) httpClient.use { val response: HttpResponse = it.put(createUrl(lightAddress, port, LIGHT_ENDPOINT)){ contentType(ContentType.Application.Json) body = elgatoStatus } } } override suspend fun getLightStatus(lightAddress: String, port: Int?): LightStatus { httpClient.use { val status = it.get(createUrl(lightAddress, port, LIGHT_ENDPOINT)) return status.toLightStatus() } } private fun createPath(pathElements: List): String { return pathElements.joinToString(separator = PATH_SEPARATOR, prefix = PATH_SEPARATOR) } private fun createUrl(lightAddress: String, port: Int?, endpoint: List): String { return "http://" + lightAddress + ":" + (port ?: 9123) + createPath(endpoint) } } @Serializable data class ElgatoLightStatus( @SerialName("lights") val lights: List, @SerialName("numberOfLights") val numberOfLights: Int = lights.size ){ fun toLightStatus(): LightStatus { return lights.first().toLightStatus() } companion object { fun fromLightStatus(status: LightStatus): ElgatoLightStatus { return ElgatoLightStatus(listOf( ElgatoLight.fromLightStatus(status) )) } } } @Serializable data class ElgatoLight( @SerialName("on") val on: Int? = null, @SerialName("brightness") val brightness: Int? = null, @SerialName("temperature") val temperature: Int? = null ){ fun toLightStatus(): LightStatus { return LightStatus( powerStatus = on?.let { LightPowerStatus.fromInt(it) }, brightness = brightness, temperature = temperature?.let { convertElgatoTemperatureToKelvin(it) } ) } companion object { fun fromLightStatus(status: LightStatus): ElgatoLight { return ElgatoLight( on = status.powerStatus?.intValue, brightness = status.brightness, temperature = status.temperature?.let { convertKelvinToElgatoTemperature(it) } ) } } } //TODO: these calculations seem weird, maybe they could be improved private fun convertKelvinToElgatoTemperature(kelvinTemperature: Int): Int { //based on: https://github.com/justinforlenza/keylight-control/blob/main/src/keylight.js return (((kelvinTemperature - 1993300/201f) * 201f)/-4100f).roundToInt() } private fun convertElgatoTemperatureToKelvin(elgatoTemperature: Int): Int { //based on: https://github.com/justinforlenza/keylight-control/blob/main/src/keylight.js return (((-4100*elgatoTemperature) / 201f) + 1993300/201f).roundToInt() }