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2024-11-17 13:25:48 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.process :refer [shell process exec]])
;; setup screens
;; todo: check if file exists, get home dir
(shell "/home/schrofi/.screenlayout/")
;; bspwm configuration
(defn- bspc [& commands]
(apply shell (cons "bspc" commands)))
(defn- config [key value]
(apply bspc (vector "config" key value)))
;; setup desktops
;; todo: handle no external display gracefully
;; read workspace configuration from config
;; format should be like: eDP-1 1 2 3 4 .., HDMI-A-0 X
;; where each monitor is defined on a separate line (no commas)
(def workspace-config
(->> (slurp "/home/schrofi/.screenlayout/default-workspaces")
(map #(str/split % #" "))))
(doseq [config workspace-config]
(let [[monitor & workspaces] config]
(->> workspaces
(map str)
(concat ["monitor" monitor "-d"])
(apply bspc))))
2024-11-17 13:25:48 +01:00
(config "border_width" "2")
(config "window_gap" "12")
(config "split_ratio" "0.52")
(config "borderless_monocle" "true")
(config "focus_follows_pointer" "true")
;; todo
(bspc "rule" "-a" "alacritty:scratchpad" "-o" "state=floating" "sticky=on" "layer=above")
;; autostart
(defn- if-not-running [service run-command]
(if (empty? (:out (shell {:out :string :continue true} "pgrep" "-x" service)))
(shell "setxkbmap" "de")
;; this is needed for the gnome keyring to function properly
(shell "dbus-launch" "--exit-with-session")
(shell "dbus-update-activation-environment" "--all")
(shell "gnome-keyring-daemon" "--start" "--components=secrets")
2024-11-17 13:25:48 +01:00
(if-not-running "sxhkd" #(process "sxhkd"))
(if-not-running "nitrogen" #(process "nitrogen" "--restore"))
(if-not-running "picom" #(process "picom" "--config" "/home/schrofi/.config/picom/picom.conf"))
(if-not-running "polybar" #(process "polybar"))
(if-not-running "flameshot" #(process "flameshot"))
2024-11-17 13:25:48 +01:00
;; start pipewire
;;(process "pipewire")