
48 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bb
'[ :refer [parse-opts]]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(def cli-options
[["-b" "--bundle BUNDLE" "The bundle id"]])
;;executes shell command but throws exception on error
(defn- safe-sh [& commands]
(as-> (apply shell/sh commands) $
(if (= (:exit $) 0) $ (throw (Exception. (:err $))))))
;;gets the working directory, but removes the new line in the end
(def wd (as-> (:out (safe-sh "pwd")) $
(subs $ 0 (- (count $) 1))))
(def options (:options (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)))
(if-let [bundle (:bundle options)]
(def packages (->>
(safe-sh "adb" "shell" "pm" "path" bundle)
(map #(last (re-find #"package:(.*)$" %)))))
(println (str "found " (count packages) " packages, pulling.."))
(doseq [package packages]
(safe-sh "adb" "pull" package wd))
(println "successfully pulled packages.")
(println "install them to the currently connected device? (y/n): ")
(def file-names (map #(str wd fs/file-separator (.getName (io/file %))) packages))
(let [answer (read-line)]
(when (= answer "y")
(if (< 1 (count file-names))
(apply safe-sh "adb" "install-multiple" file-names)
(safe-sh "adb" "install" (first file-names))))))
(println "error: you need to provide a bundle id with -b [BUNDLE]"))