#! /usr/bin/bb (require '[clojure.tools.cli :refer [parse-opts]]) (require '[babashka.curl :as curl]) (def cli-options [["-s" "--skip-build" "Skips the building process and will upload the currently built version." :id :skip-build :default false]]) (def parsed-params (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)) (def options (:options parsed-params)) (def code (first (:arguments parsed-params))) ;;executes shell command but throws exception on error (defn- safe-sh [& commands] (as-> (apply shell/sh commands) $ (if (= (:exit $) 0) $ (throw (Exception. (:err $)))))) ;;gets the working directory, but removes the new line in the end (def wd (as-> (:out (safe-sh "pwd")) $ (subs $ 0 (- (count $) 1)))) (def metadata-file "output-metadata.json") (def config-file "enterprise-releases.json") (defn- create-path-string [& segments] "creates a os independent path string" (str/join fs/file-separator segments)) (defn- get-output-folder [module variant] "creates the path string of the output folder for the given module & variant" (create-path-string wd module "build" "outputs" "apk" variant)) (defn- parse-generated-metadata-file [module variant] (json/parse-string (slurp (create-path-string (get-output-folder module variant) metadata-file)) true)) (defn- create-enterprise-release [module variant] "builds the app using the given module & variant and then returns the parsed metadata" (println "building project..") (safe-sh (create-path-string wd "gradlew") (str ":" module ":assemble" (str/capitalize variant)))) (json/parse-string (str/replace (slurp "/home/schrofi/test.json") #"\p{C}" "") true) (defn- fetch-remote-config [server user path file-name] "fetches and parses the configuration on the remote server" (let [remote-path (str server path "/" file-name ".json")] (println "fetching remote config..") (json/parse-string (-> (:body (curl/get remote-path {:raw-args ["-u" (str user ":")]})) ;; remove non printable characters causing parsing issues (str/replace #"\p{C}" "")) true))) (defn- upload-version [config metadata] "uploads the built apk and updates the remote json to reflect the new version" (let [info (second config) server (:server info) user (:user info) path (:path info) file-name (:fileName info) output-folder (get-output-folder (:module info) (:variant info)) output-file (create-path-string output-folder (get-in metadata [:elements 0 :outputFile])) remote-config (fetch-remote-config server user path file-name) new-version (get-in metadata [:elements 0 :versionCode]) version-name (get-in metadata [:elements 0 :versionName])] (if (<= new-version (get-in remote-config [:android :version_code])) (println "warning: version on remote was higher or the same as uploaded version")) (println "uploading apk..") (curl/post (str server path "/" file-name ".apk") {:raw-args ["-T" output-file "-u" (str user ":")]}) (println "updating version on remote..") (let [updated-remote-file (create-path-string output-folder (str file-name ".json"))] (as-> remote-config $ (update-in $ [:android :version_code] (fn [x] new-version)) (json/generate-string $ {:pretty true}) (spit updated-remote-file $)) (curl/post (str server path "/" file-name ".json") {:raw-args ["-T" updated-remote-file "-u" (str user ":")]})) (println (str "new version " version-name " (" new-version ")" " successfully uploaded to " (name (first config)))))) (defn- add-git-tag [config metadata] "creates a new git tag based on the defined format and pushes it to the remote repository" (let [unstaged-changes (filter #(not (str/blank? %)) (str/split-lines (:out (safe-sh "git" "status" "-s" "-uno")))) nr-of-changes (count unstaged-changes)] (if (= nr-of-changes 0) (let [tag-format (:format config) tag-args (map #(get-in metadata [:elements 0 %]) (map #(keyword %) (:arguments config))) tag (apply format (conj tag-args tag-format)) remote "origin"] (safe-sh "git" "tag" tag) (safe-sh "git" "push" remote tag) (println (str "created tag " tag " and pushed it to remote " remote))) (println "warning: there were uncommitted changes. git tag was not automatically created")))) (defn- build-and-upload [config skip-build] "builds & uploads the application based on the handed over configuration" (let [info (second config) module (:module info) variant (:variant info) git-tag (:gitTag info)] (if (not skip-build) (create-enterprise-release module variant)) (let [metadata (parse-generated-metadata-file module variant)] (upload-version config metadata) (if (not (nil? git-tag)) (add-git-tag git-tag metadata))))) (def config (json/parse-string (slurp (create-path-string wd config-file)) true)) ;;if there's only one config, pick that one ;;otherwise get the one specified as argument (def selected-config (if (= (count config) 1) (first config) (first (filter #(= (first %) (keyword code)) config)))) (if (nil? selected-config) (println "error: no matching config found") (build-and-upload selected-config (:skip-build options)))