
26 lines
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2023-05-16 11:01:26 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[ :refer [parse-opts]])
(def cli-options
[["-s" "--source DIRECTORY" "Source directory containing the drawable folders"]
["-d" "--destination DIRECTORY" "Destination directory where the drawables should be moved to"]
["-n" "--name DRAWABLE_NAME" "The name of the drawable to move WITHOUT file extension"]])
(def options (:options (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)))
(def drawable-folder-regex #"drawable-?(.*)?")
(def drawable-file-extension-regex-str "\\.[a-zA-Z]+")
(let [source-directory (io/file (:source options))
destination-directory (io/file (:destination options))
drawable-name (:name options)
source-drawable-directories (filter #(re-matches drawable-folder-regex (.getName %)) (.listFiles source-directory))]
(doseq [folder source-drawable-directories]
(let [files-to-move (filter #(re-matches (re-pattern (str drawable-name drawable-file-extension-regex-str)) (.getName %)) (.listFiles folder))]
(when-not (empty? files-to-move)
(let [file-to-move (first files-to-move)
target-file (io/file (.getAbsolutePath destination-directory) (.getName folder) (.getName file-to-move))]
(println (str "moving " (.getName (.getParentFile file-to-move)) fs/file-separator (.getName file-to-move)))
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile target-file))
(.renameTo file-to-move target-file))))))